Adaptiv News and Views
We’ve got some bad news. We don’t trust you. But we’ve got good news too!
Philip Durrant (Principal Consultant) and Harris Kristanto (Consultant) share their thoughts on why the traditional approach to securing your network is no longer enough. And more importantly, what you can do about it! Check out their blog on Zero Trust Networks here.
Our latest case study: Victoria University of Wellington embrace Azure
Frustrated with usability and accuracy issues in their ageing staff directory solution, VUW, together with Adaptiv, embraced Azure Integration Services (AIS) to roll out a new application. Read more here.
We’re looking forward to adding more customer stories to our website, so if you’re keen to share your Adaptiv project with the world, please let me know.
Global Integration Bootcamp 2020 – Auckland
7th March 2020 – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
58 Gaunt Street, Auckland
The annual community-driven Microsoft Integration Bootcamp is being held on 7th March 2020. Our principal Architect, Nikolai Blackie, will be presenting at the event. You can reserve your seat now by RSVP-ing on the following Meetup or go here for more information.

Adaptiv: New faces
We’d like to introduce you to Mitch Abel, who recently joined us a Technical Analyst, Developer.
Mitch works with our support team to ensure our clients enjoy successful project delivery and support. He also assists in the development and testing of complex integration solutions for our clients.
A graduate of the University of Otago, Mitch has a BSc majoring in Computer Science. Ever the entrepreneur, he took a two-year break from his studies to start his own small business providing general IT support.
Experienced in the fields of cloud computing solutions, machine learning, web application development and general software development, Mitch can quickly assimilate and execute new skills, and has a strong ability to understand and confer the needs and ideas of clients.
Outside of work, Mitch is an avid snowboarder and takes an interest in E-sports.
To meet the rest of the team visit Our People.